Ready to Study in Spain?

Let us help you find your Compideal – your ideal housemate – and get priority access to the best flats in Madrid. 

Make your stay in Madrid awesome!

Drop your details below, and we'll get in touch to match you with compatible students from your campus.

Picture this:

Sadly, 56% of people sharing apartments in Spain have had bad or horrible experiences.

Picture this:

  • Moving into a shared flat with people you don't get along with.
  • Living in a constantly dirty and chaotic environment.
  • Dealing with disrespectful housemates.

Now, imagine this:

  • Feeling at home from day one.
  • Living in a clean, well-organized space.
  • Making friends with your housemates.
  • Being able to communicate and fix conflicts easily.
  • Having housemates who accept your quirks because nobody's perfect!

Don’t leave your comfort and happiness to chance.

Finding a clean, comfortable, and conveniently located room is key. And finding the right housemate can make all the difference. 

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